We have been running Pinewood Derbies since 1980 and have been running them by computer since 1997. The track we use has four lanes and is 32 feet long. Every thing is run by a computer, lane placements and scoring. Each car entered will run at least three times. Every thing that we do is projected onto a screen so everyone can see the results as we go along. We start booking pinewood dates in September and we try to make it as painless as we can for you. Pick a date and contact me ASAP. Then with about three weeks before the race we need a roster for the Pack. We will then setup the race in the computer and send you back a roster with the car numbers on it for you to use for your registration. The day of the race we need one hour to setup the track then we can start racing. If you have any question please feel free to contact us at WHDexter@comcast.net
These Dates have already been reserved:
January February March
Jan. 28 thru March 1, 2022
Pack 160 March 12, 2022​
Pack 137 March 13, 2022​
Pack 3 March 19, 2022​
April May June
Pack 416 April 9, 2022​

General principles of speed
Your car goes down the track by the pull of gravity. Your car is slowed down from friction. Friction is the enemy of speed. Reduce friction and your car will go faster. Here are some ways to reduce friction and increase speed…
You want to make your axles as smooth as possible. Be absolutely sure that the burr under the nail head and bumps on the shaft are filed smooth then use #400 and #1600 sandpaper to polish the shaft and inside of the head.
Gravity / weight
This one is simple. Be sure your car weighs as close to 5 oz as possible. The heavier your car, the faster it will go. Find someone with a scale, purchase an inexpensive scale or weigh your car at the post office. Add weights until the car with the wheels and axles is up to 5 oz. Don’t wait until race night to get this right.
Making the car go straight
This can be tricky. Roll your car along as smooth surface like a counter top. If it veers to the right or left more than one inch every three feet, the axles are out of alignment. Just like steering a car, you need to adjust the steering on your Pinewood Derby Car. To do this, you must adjust one or more of the axles so the car rolls straight.
This is essential. Purchase a tube of graphite and sprinkle a little in the wheel bore with the axle inserted part way. Work the graphite in by spinning the wheel on the axle. You will notice a significant improvement in the speed of the wheel as it turns.